Sunday, February 28, 2010


Its been a hundred years since i updated my blog.
Firstly, its because SOMEBODY took my laptop and failed to give it back to me till 1 week later. So here i am so many weeks later, updating my-almost-dead blog. I shall revive it with pictures and my unlaziness if there is such a thing.
I actually thought of deleting my blog but maybe not. There are pictures here that arent in my lappy anymore.
So i've been working so much that i'm exhausted like literally falling sick because of it. I had nose bleeds, coughs, flu and fevers. It has been the worst health week of my life and ive never felt this exhausted before. Even zara wasnt this tiring.
Maybe its because when i worked at zara, all i did was eat sleep and work.
I have different commitments now and it is exhausting i tell you.
Oh today is 28 and its kinda a special day. But i'm shy ya know. Soo... whatever. Hahaha.
I have a ton of pictures i want to upload but i dont knw where to start. You see, when i said a ton of pictures i literally meant a ton.
I'm kinda really bored right now.
Maybe more some other time. The wait is killing me.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Saturday afternoon

Its a saturday and i'm at home watching ghost rider on AXN. Nicholas cage is kinda very hot, except for the face. He's got a good body.

I still dont have my lappy. I really miss me lappy, Its been almost a week since ive seen it. And my father's lappy is soo useless. The screen screw is loose so when i move the laptop the screen falls backwards.

Watching nicholas cage on ghost rider is turning me on.

I dont really want to update my blog right now. Bye